


I was so tired last night I went to bed sans dinner. Instead, I offer you a photo of today’s lunch.


10 AM

Buying ingredients and prepping my ropa vieja



Give, Support, Volunteer


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


My View Today

Depressing, I know.


Ok, I’m in

Thanks to Babs, Tiffany in Houston, Nerd Girl, and a host of others, I’m going to get my blogging back in gear (I hope).


Get it Right

In about a year, I’ve gained XX lbs. I blame the post wedding bliss and lack of wedding planning stress. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Right before the holidays I decided to get serious and was at least able to stop the uphill climb of the scale. But that didn’t do anything for me losing the extra.

So just last week, I started on the Atkins diet. I’ve been hesitant to talk about it publicly as Atkins generates a lot of love/hate and I didn’t want to be discouraged. That said, 1 week in and 5 lbs lighter, I’m feeling pretty good about this diet.

This Old House

Our air conditioner is out.


Third time this summer.

Well, technically it’s the first time for this A/C unit, the other unit was broken on two separate occasions this summer.

By the time it’s all said and done, we’ll probably spend the cost of a brand new unit on repairs to these two.

The joys of home ownership.


The CSA Grind

I’m a big fan of CSAs.  I like the idea of them — urban dwellers supporting small farms and getting a bounty of incredibly fresh fruits and vegetables in exchange.  After two years with my first CSA, it was time for a change.  Why you ask?  Well, I had a few several issues with the first CSA.  The CSA distribution was incredibly disorganized and if you didn’t arrive at the beginning of the pick-up period, you didn’t get all you were entitled to.  Patrons packaged their own produce leaving an opening for taking more than one should.  Fruit shares cost extra and mostly consisted of apples.  And finally, the pick-up location was incredibly inconvenient for me and my husband.  Even so, this did not turn me off from CSAs in total, just made me want to move from this one.

So I found a new CSA.  Convenient — weekend pick-ups in my neighborhood.  Organized — produce is pre-packaged and waiting when you arrive.  Fruit — fruit is included for free.  Price — it’s about the same price as the old CSA.  I was enamored with the new CSA, completely enamored until about a week prior to the start date.  They had weather issues at their farm that destroyed many of their crops and thus skipped out on the first drop-off.  The recourse to shareholders — they say they gave us extra veggies in the following weeks but I actually 1) would have preferred a refund for that week or an extra week, and 2) didn’t notice any extras.  Well, I moved past that because the people at this CSA are very very nice and I enjoy chatting with them each week.  Even so, I think my enjoyment is ending now.  I’m pretty sure I’m either going to skip the CSA membership altogether next year or I need to find a(nother) new CSA.  My big complaint is about the diversity of produce we receive every week.  For the last 5 weeks, we’ve gotten a pint of tomatillos, 1-2 onions, 1-2 tomatoes, 2-3 eggplant/zucchini, a bunch of basil, and enough greens (collards, kale, other) to make a side for 1.  Ugh.  As if that’s not bad enough, this CSA also has a general farmer’s market stand that we pick-up from and they regularly offer all kinds of goodies we’d love to have (and would expect any CSA to include) but we don’t get any of those goodies.  So no corn, okra, green beans, arugula — all things they’re selling at the farmer’s market stand when we pick-up.

As a CSA member, I expect to be treated like a premium customer.  I signed up to go through the highs and lows with them, I hate that they’re saving all the lows for me.

Have you ever participated in a CSA?

What was your experience?

Is this normal?